Latinos Ready to Vote is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We rely on the support of our generous friends and donors to promote our goals. We are an independent non-partisan organization focusing on Civic Engagement, Education and Immigration Policies that stimulates economic growth and opportunity for all Latinos.

All Contributions to LRTV are tax-deductible. EIN: 81-5021881

Latinos Ready To Vote (LRTV) is an organization dedicated to informing Latinos about issues that are important to them and their community. Furthermore, we aim to educate them about the benefits of civic engagement to ensure that as American citizens, we all have equal access to our legal political rights and representation in all branches of state and federal government.

We recognize the growing strength of the Latino community as a significant voting bloc. Therefore, we encourage Latinos to register to vote and familiarize themselves with issues relevant to both the community and the nation, such as education, job opportunities, the economy, immigration, and the challenges within entitlement systems (e.g., Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) that may affect future generations of Americans. Consequently, we strive to inspire all Latinos in America to actively engage in their communities, pursue educational success, foster entrepreneurship, and participate in the political process by casting their votes.

Board Members

Linda Vega is a native of Texas.  She was graduated from the University of Texas in Austin and the George Washington Law School in D.C., with a full scholarship from both establishments. She has previously worked for  The Department of Labor, and is currently in private practice at THE VEGA LAW FIRM. Her areas of expertise are in Immigration and Labor/Employment-Labor Law. Ms. Vega practices nationally (50 states) and internationally as many of the issues regard federal law and international law. Ms. Vega volunteers in Houston, Texas in events hosted by NALEO and the Mayor’s Office for Immigration Agency, as well as the Neighborhood Centers. She is a member of the New Mexico Bar, Federal Bar Association, the American Bar Association, American Immigration Lawyers Association, American Trial Lawyers Association, National Rep. Congressional Committee for Immigration/Small Business, National Res. Senatorial Committee for Small Businesses, U.S. Senate Hispanic Task Force, New Mexico District Court, Texas Southern U.S. District Court. Ms. Vega is fluent in 2 languages. In 2012, Linda Vega was appointed by Gov. Rick Perry to the Family Practice Residency Advisory Committee.  The FPRA committee makes recommendations to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regarding the funding of family practice residency training programs. Bonding Against Adversity Advisory Committee Board member. North American College Advisory Board member.

Political Director:

Alex Gonzalez is a political Analyst/Strategist, Publisher and Editor-in-chief  for LRTV/Latino Public Policy Foundation.  He is devoted to an in-depth  analysis of American History, Political Sciences and Western civilization and the political  advancement of Latinos in the U.S.  He received a Bachelor Degrees in 2007  with emphasis in American politics, in 2009 from San Fransisco State University.


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